Career Test for Marketers! Take a Quiz to Find Out What Digital Marketing Job Suits You

October 14, 2021

If you are looking for a job in digital marketing, you may find it overwhelming, whether you are a green hand or already with some experiences in the field. Digital Marketing has strong ties with technologies. With technologies developing rapidly nowadays, the scope of digital marketing changes fast with times going by. How to find the right career path in digital marketing? 

In this article, we’re going to introduce a bigger scope of jobs in digital marketing and what the personality types suit them respectively. After having a more clear idea of it, you can take a FREE career test online to see what type of the career path suits your personality best in Digital Marketing!

Data-Driven Marketer

Data-driven marketing is the approach of developing marketing strategies based on user information data. Data-driven marketing relies on the analysis of collected data to predict potential customers’ desires, pain points and needs, rather than relying on past experiences or instinct. Data-driven marketers always leverage technology to implement marketing campaigns and analyze data to optimize results and maximize ROI. 

Do you enjoy utilizing data to make decisions and believe data speaks louder than guts? Take a FREE career test here to see if data-driven marketing is the right fit for you!

Growth Hacking/Growth Marketing

Growth Hacking, or sometimes Growth Marketing, is to use innovative and low cost strategies to acquire new users or customers in the shortest possible time. Growth Hacking focuses on growing businesses in any possible ways, so the keys are to understand the user journey, run campaigns on different digital channels, conduct A/B testing, analyze the results and adapt to new methods, if one doesn’t work out. Therefore, Growth Hackers are usually someone willing to try new technologies, have knowledge in user journey and analyze data.

eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce Marketing is the practice of using promotional tactics to drive traffic to your online store, converting that traffic into paying customers, and retaining those customers post-purchase, according to Shopify. eCommerce Marketing focuses on not only its own website, but also all the channels such as social media, 3rd party ecommerce platforms, influencer cooperation, to name just a few. The CRM is also a key to eCommerce Marketing, as old customers contribute a significant amount of revenue in eCommerce.

Product Management

The biggest difference between Product Management and Growth Hacking is that Product Management focuses more on pre-launch phases. From product positioning, development and marketing, Product Management defines buying personas and drives the demand of the target market. In the marketing process, it revolves around storytelling, creates attractive product images and works closely with the sales team to convey the product value to customers.

Want to know which marketing job suits you best? Take a quiz to find out!